This iPad app was created with the purpose of assisting dental professionals during their patient consultations and appointments. The goal was to create a comprehensive app that dentists can use on their iPad to streamline the patient experience. The application is separated into five sections that include Anatomy Exploration, the Educational Video player, an Informed Consent record, Image Storage and Help.
The Anatomy Exploration section serves to show various information-rich anatomy models that are more in depth than the traditional plastic model of the jaw. With this app, the user can choose an anatomy model, and can rotate, zoom in and pan for an interactive exploration. Users can adjust the opacity of different anatomy layers present, or simply turn them off. Accompanying manual rotation are shortcuts to popular angles and cross section views. The user simply shakes the iPad to reset the view.
While exploring the 3D models, the user can turn on the Pins Library, which pin points specific areas of interest. Once selected, the pins will show the user more information on that anatomy point.
The informed consent section of the app records all actions done within a patient session. It allows the patient to sign at the end of their session for confirmation.